“The several experiences I have had with Jon have been phenomenal. He has been able to shift his talents to multiple audiences while still delivering an amazing message that resonated with each group. I have seen the learning and experience continue after the speaking engagement with a positive effect on the team.”

-Craig Jensen, Division President of Lennar Indianapolis

What If you realized that a positive thought is equivalent to a forward physical action? You might begin to take every thought captive and make sure it aligns with your intentions.


Learn more about Jon and his philosophy around brain science.

Learn to wire you brain for winning by turning DELIBERATE, COSTLY, and SLOW, thoughts and behaviors into REFLEXIVE , EFFICIENT and ENJOYABLE. By putting them on autopilot they both can be executed faster and with less energy.


45-60 minute session that explores how to get what we want by starting with the brain. We explore the neuroscience of impactful relationships, high performing teams, and leadership. Looking at the revolutionary brain science discoveries from the recent past creates an unbelievable amount of hope and excitement about what we now know is possible. We detail these new empowering concepts and introduce a unique framework and strategy to rewire your mind for your desired outcomes.


Fifteen hard hitting minutes of brain science as it intersects with priorities, relationships and emotional control. Narrative and fact based neuroscience concepts that will impactfully improve the thought life and attitude of the audience.


Customized multi-session programs that deep dive into the brain science of efficiency, influence and relationships. These sessions use a new understanding of the brain's functions and reactions to attack the particular challenges your team faces. Each session builds off the previous one providing the time to deeply reprogram thought habits and actions. A journal for each participant and guided framework for rewiring perspectives and behaviors is included.